Number of daily and cumulative distinct drug and therapeutic agent exposures in
PICU patients by age group. Shown are the levels of exposure to distinct drugs
and therapeutic agents for each hospital day, from day 1 up to day 30 of
hospitalization in ICU, for patients who remained in ICU for those lengths of
stay. For each hospital day, we determined the level of exposure for patients at
various percentiles of exposure; the plotted solid lines display the median, the
plotted short dash lines display 10th and the 90th
percentiles, and the shaded zone the interquartile range (IQR). Number
of daily drug exposures is defined as the number of distinct drug
and therapeutic agent that patients at each percentile were exposed to on that
hospital day in ICU. Number of cumulative drug exposures is
defined as the number of distinct drug and therapeutic agent that patients at
each percentile were exposed to up to and including that hospital day in