Fig. 12.
Malic enzyme is the only enzyme out of several anaplerotic/cataplerotic pyruvate cycling enzymes that is decreased in breast cancer cell lines with severely knocked down pyruvate carboxylase (PC). Cell lines PC 3436 6A and PC 179 1A possess severely lower levels of pyruvate carboxylase enzyme activity and cell line and PC 847 2C possesses moderately decreased PC activity compared to the scrambled shRNA control cell line. These cell lines show low cell proliferation rates compared to the control cell line (Figs. 1 and 2). The lower level malic enzyme in two cell lines with severely knocked down PC is consistent with lower pyruvate cycling and lower malate, citrate and pyruvate levels (Figs. 5–8) in these cell lines (means ± SE, ap < 0.01 vs scramble control). Only malic enzyme showed decreased activity vs the control cell line.