FIG. 1.
Comparison of SFOAE responses obtained with the two measurement paradigms used in this study, the combination of which allowed efficient measurements at low frequencies and reduced artifactual responses at high frequencies. SFOAE amplitudes and phases obtained via the swept-tone compression (blue lines) and discrete-tone suppression (red circles/lines) methods are shown for three subjects (A–C), with noise floors indicated by long or short dashed lines, respectively. Measurements were obtained in two different sessions, with the separation in days shown next to the subject identifiers. Despite up to 20 days between test sessions for these subjects, SFOAE amplitudes and phases obtained by the two methods were highly similar within the ∼0.25-octave span of overlap between measurements. While phase jumps in opposite directions were occasionally observed near amplitude valleys (B), these were also sometimes observed in repeated measures using the same method (not shown).