FIG. 2.
TH-2A-CreER does not label type I afferents or efferents. A Spiral ganglion neurons (P30 cochlear apex) in Th 2a-CreER; Ai3 mice labeled with antibodies to GFP (green) or α3 Na+/K+ ATPase (magenta-type I afferents) show no overlap between these two types. B Outer hair cell region shows TH-2A-CreER boutons (green) on OHCs, distinct from medial efferent terminals (magenta-α3 Na+/K+ ATPase). C Spiral ganglion neurons (P30 cochlear apex) in Th 2a-CreER; Ai3 mice labeled with antibodies to GFP (green) or TuJ1 (red) show no overlap between these two types. D Outer hair cell region shows TH-2A-CreER boutons (green) on OHCs, distinct from TuJ1 labeled medial efferent terminals (red). Dotted ovals indicate position of OHC rows. Scale bar represents 10 μm.