Figure 1.
In vivo binding of Swi/Snf to the GAL1 and GAL7 UASG elements. (A) Top: Representation of the GAL7 and GAL1-10 loci. Transcriptional initiation sites (arrows with +1), Gal4 binding sites (UASG) (black crossbars), and open reading frames (open shaded rectangles) are represented. Regions amplified by PCR in the ChIP experiments are identified by a line. Bottom: PCR titration of input and immunoprecipitated material for Snf5-Myc at the GAL1 UASG. (B) ChIP analysis of the binding of Swi/Snf to the GAL1 and GAL7 promoters. Binding of Swi1-Myc and Snf5-Myc over time after galactose induction is shown for both the WT (KLY012 and KLY014) and gal4Δ strains (KLY015 and KLY016). (C, D) Binding of Swi/Snf to the GAL1 and GAL7 promoters, respectively. (E) Ability of swi1Δ cells to induce the GAL1 and GAL7 genes. GAL1 primer extension analyses from WT (CY258) and swi1Δ cells (CY340) grown either in the presence of glucose (Glu) or induced by galactose for 3 h (Gal).