Figure 6.
CSPGs suppress the axonal translation of cortactin mRNA. (A) Examples of axons expressing myrGFP-cortactin-3′UTR in control, CSPGs and CSPGs+ALC groups. The PRE images show the distribution of myrGFP before photobleaching (PHB). Examples of hotspots of myrGFP are denoted by arrows. The post PHB panels show the bleaching of the myrGF signal (0 min) and the recovery at 40 min post PHB. Uneven cropping is due to rotation of image to represent axons in horizontal position. (B) Quantification of the recovery from PHB. Anova with Bonferroni post-hoc tests was performed using time-matched comparisons. Post-hoc test p values are presented in the graph as follows: control vs CSPGs, 1 = p<0.05, 2 = p<0.01, 3 = p<0.001; CSPGs vs CSPGs+ALC, 4 = p<0.01. n = axons. (C) FRAP analysis of myrGFP-β-actin-3′UTR. (D) Additional examples of the distribution of myrGFP along axons, as in panel (A) and accompanying line scans of the intensity of myrGFP along the axon showing hotspots. (E) Quantification of the number of myrGFP hotspots. Sample sizes are the same as in panel B as this is a different analysis of the same population.