FIG 5.
Selection of GPI-scFv X5-transduced cells in peripheral blood in vivo. (A) Gating of CD4+/GFP+ cells in human CD4 T cell populations of representative hu-PBL mice from each of the three groups 4 weeks after X4-tropic virus infection. (B) Percentage of CD4+/GFP+ cells in human CD4 T cells in mouse blood during infection. Percentages of GFP cells were determined by flow cytometry. Left panels show results from JR-CSF infection; right panels show results from BK132 infection. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. P values represent the differences between the AB65/R5 and X5/R5 groups and between the AB65/X4 and X5/X4 groups.