Fig. 1.
Phylogeny of EF-1α and related subfamilies of the GTPase translation factor superfamily. The phylogeny includes eEF-1α, eRF3, HBS1, and EFL, and is rooted by using aEF-1α. Numbers at nodes correspond to bootstrap supports from ML analyses considering ASRV by using the program phyml (top of figure) and considering no ASRV by using the program proml (bottom of figure). Bootstraps are only shown for nodes uniting major subfamilies or for nodes >50% within the EFL subtree. In the AU test, only the tree shown and three alternative tree topologies, in which the EFL clade is attached to nodes A–C, were not rejected at the 5% α-level. The P values of the AU test for tree topologies A–C are 0.532, 0.42, and 0.123, respectively.