Fig. 2.
Genotype and sex does not alter activity in V1 or ventral HVAs. a Magnitude maps showing raw amplitude of cortical modulation in WT males and females in response to drifting grating stimulus. Scale bar is 1 mm. b Raw V1 cortical activation did not differ across sex or genotype (two-way ANOVA, effect of genotype F (2,36) = 0.188, p = 0.83; effect of sex F (1,36) = 2.73, p = 0.11). c–f Scatter plots of cortical modulation amplitude for ventral higher visual areas (HVA) with population mean and SEM overlaid in black. N = 7 mice per genotype. c There were no genotypic differences in cortical modulation in LM in either males (LM: one-way ANOVA F (2,18) = 1.96, p = 0.17) or d females (LM: one-way ANOVA, F (2,18) = 0.248, p = 0.78). e No genotypic modulation of activity was observed in LI in males (LI: one-way ANOVA F (2,18) = 0.368, p = 0.7) or f females (LI: one-way ANOVA, F (2,18) = 0.0510, p = 0.95)