Figure 2.
Height values obtained by simultaneous imaging of individual ssDNA-SWNT hybrids and bare SWNT molecules by three different measurement conditions. X-axis indicates No. of individual hybrid. Y-axis indicates heights ((a,c) and height differences (b,d)). (a) Heights of ssDNA-SWNT hybrids. Red rhombuses: intermittent contact mode in TE buffer. Blue circles: non-contact mode in air. Black triangles: intermittent contact mode in air; (b) Subtracted height values of ssDNA-SWNT hybrids between two different atomic force microscopy (AFM) force conditions. Red rhombuses: subtraction between intermittent contact mode in TE buffer and intermittent contact mode in air. Blue circles: subtraction between non-contact mode in air and intermittent contact mode in air; (c) Heights of bare SWNTs. Red rhombuses: intermittent contact mode in TE buffer. Blue circles: non-contact mode in air. Black triangles: intermittent contact mode in air; (d) Subtracted height values of bare SWNT molecules between two different AFM force conditions. Red rhombuses: subtraction between intermittent contact mode in TE buffer and intermittent contact mode in air. Blue circles: subtraction between non-contact mode in air and intermittent contact mode in air. Maximum heights were obtained with intermittent contact mode in an aqueous solution (reprinted from reference [48] with permission).