Figure 5.
Effect of nse mutants on the frequency of meiotic crossover in the ade7-leu1 interval and conversion at the ade6 locus. (A) Haploids of the indicated genotype that were additionally auxotrophic for ade7 or leu1 were mated on SSA-LUAH plates at 25°C for 3 d. Random spore analysis was performed by plating the spores first on YES plates and then replica plating colonies onto media selective for either ade7 or leu1. (B) Meiotic intragenic recombination between ade6-M375 and ade6-469 alleles. The effect of nse mutants on gene conversion rates were monitored as for crossover, except that spores (∼105) were plated directly to ade6+ selective YEA + guanine plates at 25°C. Dilutions of the spores were also plated to nonselective YES plates to determine the actual spore titer in each experiment. (C) The effect of nse1-1 on gene conversion was monitored using the recombination hotspot ade6-M26 instead of the ade6-M375 allele, but otherwise as described above.