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. 2017 Jan 20;8:34. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00034

Table 1.

Summary of bacteriophage biocontrol experiments which have been conducted since the year 2000 to the present.

Pathogen Host Disease Information Reference
Pectobacterium carotovorum ssp. carotovorum, Pectobacterium wasabiae,
Dickeya solani
Potato Soft rot Bioassays with phage ΦPD10.3 and ΦPD23.1 could reduce severity of soft rot of tubers by 80% on potato slices and 95% with whole tubers from a mixed pathogen infection. Czajkowski et al., 2015
Dickeya solani Potato Soft rot/Blackleg Phage vB_DsoM_LIMEstone1 and vB_DsoM_LIMEstone2 reduced soft rot of inoculated tubers in bioassays and in field trials which produced a potato crop with higher yields. Adriaenssens et al., 2012
Dickeya solani Potato Soft rot Bioassays with phage ΦD1, ΦD2, ΦD3, ΦD4, ΦD5, ΦD7, ΦD9, ΦD10, ΦD11 could reduce incidence of soft rot by up to 30–70% on co-inoculated potato slices with pathogen and phage. Czajkowski et al., 2014
Streptomyces scabies Potato Common scab Seed tubers treated with phage ΦAS1 resulted in producing tuber progeny with reduced levels of surface lesion of scab (1.2%) compared with tubers harvested from non -treated seed tubers (23%). McKenna et al., 2001
Ralstonia solanacearum Tomato Bacterial wilt Tomato plants treated with phage ΦRSL1 showed no symptoms of bacterial wilt during the experimental period; whereas all untreated plants showed wilting 18 days post infection. Fujiwara et al., 2011
Ralstonia solanacearum Tomato Bacteria wilt Simultaneous treatment of phage PE204 with R. solanacearum of the rhizosphere of tomato completely inhibited bacterial wilt. However, pre-treatment with phage before the inoculation of pathogen was not effective with control of bacterial wilt, whereas post treatment of PE204 delayed disease development. Bae et al., 2012
Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria Tomato Bacterial spot Greenhouse experiments with formulated phage cocktails could reduce disease severity with formulated phage cocktails providing better protection in comparison to unformulated. A similar effect was found in three consecutive field trials. Balogh et al., 2003
Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria Tomato Bacterial spot In field experiments phage treatment was comparable to disease control with copper-mancozeb. Combination of phage and plant activator (ASM) resulted in enhanced control. Obradovic et al., 2004
Xylella fastidiosa Grapevines Pierce’s Disease X. fastidiosa levels in grapevines were significantly reduced on pre and post inoculation of a four phage (Sano, Salvo, Prado and Paz) cocktail. Pierce disease symptoms could be stopped using phage treatment post infection as well as applying phage prophylactically to grapevines. Das et al., 2015
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. allii Onion Xanthomonas leaf blight of onion Field trial showed that weekly and biweekly applications of phage could reduce disease severity, a result which was comparable to treatments of weekly applications of copper-mancozeb. Lang et al., 2007
Pectobacterium carotovorum ssp. carotovorum Lettuce Soft rot Green house trials showed that phage PP1 could significantly reduce disease development on lettuce plants. Lim et al., 2013
Streptomyces scabies Radish Common scab Phages Stsc1 and Stsc3 could prevent disease development by treating radish seedlings. Non-treated radishes had 30% less weight than negative control, with phage treated radishes having masses similar to negative control. Goyer, 2005
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri Grapefruit Asiatic citrus canker Five greenhouse experiments utilizing phage treatment could reduce disease severity by 59%. However, using a skim milk formulation of phage did not have increased disease control. Phage treatment was also capable of reducing disease occurrence in a citrus nursery. Control was less effective than copper-mancozeb. Combination did not give increased disease control. Balogh et al., 2008
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citrumelo Orange Citrus bacterial spot Phage treatments reduced citrus spot occurrence by 35 and 48% in two trials in commercial citrus nursery. Control was equal or less effective than copper-mancozeb. Combination did not give increased disease control Balogh et al., 2008
Pseudomonas syringae pv. porri Leek Bacterial blight Specific bio-assays demonstrated the in planta efficacy of phages vB_PsyM_KIL1, vB_PsyM_KIL2, vB_PsyM_KIL3, and vB_PsyM_KIL3b. However, phage cocktail of six phages (vB_PsyM_KIL1, vB_PsyM_KIL2, vB_PsyM_KIL3, vB_PsyM_KIL4, and vB_PsyM_KIL5 and vB_PsyM_KIL3b), were tested with two parallel field trial experiments in three locations which showed variable results. In one trial, symptom development was attenuated. Rombouts et al., 2016
Pseudomonas tolaasii Mushrooms Brown blotch Disease Surface of mushrooms were inoculated with pathogen. The formation of blotches was completely blocked by co-incubation of phages with pathogen. Kim et al., 2011
Erwinia amylovora Pear, apple trees Fire blight Phages ΦEa1337-26 and ΦEa 2345 reduced infection of detached pear tree blossoms by 84 and 96%, respectively, with Pantoea agglomerans as a carrier. Also, infection of potted apple tree blossoms could be reduced by 54% with phage ΦEa1337-26 and P. agglomerans. Control was comparable to streptomycin. Boulé et al., 2011