Time course of ODI and of left- and right-eye response magnitudes obtained from chronic intrinsic signal imaging of mice with (DE+) and without a week of dark exposure (DE−) following MD. (a) Changes in ODI for DE+ (filled circles, dotted lines) and DE− cohorts (open squares, solid lines). Significant changes are indicated for the DE+ group (dotted line brackets) and DE− group (solid line brackets); n.s., non-significant; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01 (Holm-Sidak multiple comparisons test). (b) Magnitude of responses through the contralateral previously deprived eye (filled triangles, solid lines) and the ipsilateral eye (open circles, dashed lines) in the DE+ cohort. (c) Magnitude of contra- and ipsilateral eye responses in the DE− cohort.