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. 2016 Jul 27;30(1):3–15. doi: 10.1111/jhn.12394

Table 2.

An overview of the studies included in the systematic review and meta‐analysis

Study Sample size (sex), n Age (years) Serum 25(OH)D status at baseline (nmol L−1) [mean (SD)] Method used for analysing 25(OH)D Study duration Study design Comparator Form and dosage of vitamin D Calcium supplement (mg) Physical performance measure
Bischoff‐Ferrari (2012) 42 20 (females) C: 63.45 (7.78)
I: 59.48 (6.27)
C: 35.45 (9.03)c
I: 30.7 (10.2)c
HPLC‐MS/MS 4 months Randomised, double‐blinded trial C: 800 IU D3 day−1
C: 5600 IU D3 week−1
I: 20 μg HyD day−1
I: 140 μg HyD week−1
Non TUG (3 m)
Knee extension
Knee flexion strength
Repeated sit‐to‐stand
Ceglia (2013) 34 21 (females) C: 80 (5)
I: 76 (4)
C: 48.3 (8.8)
I: 43.6 (10.3)
RIA (DiaSorin Inc., Stillwater, MN, USA) 4 months Randomised, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled
Single centre
Placebo 4000 IU (D3) day−1, oral Non (dietary intake was assessed) Knee extension
SPPB (incl. 4 m TUG)
Dhesi (2004) 48 139 C: 76.6 (6.1)
I: 77.0 (6.3)
C: 25.0b (23.8–26.3)
I: 26.8b(25.5–28.0)
IDS Gamma‐B 25‐OH immunoassay (IDS, Tyne & Wear, UK) 6 months Randomised, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled Placebo 600 000 IU (D2) × 1 bolus inj. Non Quadriceps strength
Glendenning 2012 49, a 686 (females) C: 76.5 (4)
I: 76.9 (4)
C: 66.5 (27.1)
I: 65.0 (17.8)
Liaison method (DiaSorin Inc.) 3, 6 and 9 months Randomised, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled Placebo 150 000 IU (D3) every 3 months, oral Advice: 1300 (supp./diet) Grip strength (kg)
TUG (3 m)
Grady (1991) 51, a 98 C: 78.9 (5.4)
I: 79.4 (5.4)
C: 65.7 (51.4)
I: 60.4 (35.3)
Microassay by Reinhart et al., 1984 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 18 and 24 weeks Randomised, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled Placebo 0.5 μg (1,25‐dihydroxyvitamin D3) day−1, oral Non (dietary intake was assessed) Grip strength (kg)
Leg muscle strength
Janssen (2010) 53, a 70 (females) C: 79.2 (6.7)
I: 82.4 (4.9)
C: 34.3 (11.5)
I: 32.6 (11.6)
NA 6 months Randomised, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled Placebo 400 IU (D3) day−1, oral 500 Knee extension
Hand grip strength (kg)
TUG (4 m)
Modified Cooper test
Kenny (2003) 52, a 65 (men) 76 (4) C: 60 (18)c
I: 65 (18)c
Competitive protein binding (Endocrine Science Inc., Calabasas Hills, CA, USA) 6 months Randomised, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled Placebo 1000 IU (D3) day−1, oral 500 Leg extension strength
Grip strength (kg)
SPPB (incl. 3 m TUG)
Lagari (2013) 44, a 86 73.4 (6.4) 82.5 (25.0)c LC/MS/MS 6 months Randomised, double‐blinded trial 400 IU D3 day−1, oral 2000 IU (D3) day−1, oral Calcium supplements was assessed Grip strength (kg)
Gait speed
Lips (2010) 43 593 C: 77.6 (6.6)
I: 78.5 (6.2)
C: 35.3 (13.8)c
I: 34.3 (11.0)c
Reversed phase HPLC by Lensmeyer et al., 2006 16 weeks Randomised, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled Multicentre Placebo 8400 IU (D3) week−1, oral 500 for those with dietary intake <1000 mg SPPB
Pfeifer (2009) 45, a 242 77 (4) C: 54 (18)
I: 55 (18)
RIA (Immunodiagnostic Systems, Boldon, UK) 12 and 20 months Randomised, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled Multicentre Placebo 800 IU (D3) day−1, oral 1000 Quadriceps strength (isometric leg extensor strength)
TUG (3 m)
Pirotta (2015) 50, a 26 C: 71.5 (5.7)
I: 66.1 (4.0)
C: 48.5 (11.1)
I: 46.4 (11.4)
Liaison method (DiaSorin) 10 weeks Randomised, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled Placebo 2000 IU (D3) day−1, oral Non Knee extensor
Stair climbing power
TUG (3 m)
Songpatanasilp (2009) 46 72 (females) 70.60 (4.30) 69.98 (19.18)c RIA (DiaSorin) 12 weeks Randomised placebo‐controlled trial Placebo 0.5 mg (20 000 IU) (alfacalcidiol) day−1, oral 1500 Quadriceps strength (isokinetic dynamometer)
Wood (2014) 38, a 305 (females) 63.8 (2.2) Normal: 34.3 (14.7)
Overweight: 33.9 (14.3)
Obese: 32.4 (16.3)
LC/MS/MS (Chromsystems, UK) 12 months (bimonthly study visits) Randomised, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled Placebo I: 400 IU (D3) day−1, oral
I: 1000 IU (D3) day−1, oral
Non Grip strength (kg)
Xia (2009) 55, a 142 (females) C: 70.4 (3.6)
I: 70.4 (3.9)
NA NA 6 and 12 months Randomised, multicentre, open‐label, placebo‐controlled 125 IU (Calcitriol) day−1, oral 125 IU + 0.25 μg (Calcitriol) day−1, oral 600/600 Grip strength (kg)
Zhu (2010) 47, a 302 (females) C: 77.0 (4.8)
I: 77.6 (4.2)
C: 44.3 (13.0)c
I: 45.3 (12.5)c
RIA (DiaSorin) 6 and 12 months Randomised, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled Placebo 1000 IU (D2) day−1, oral 1000 TUG (3 m)
Lower limb muscle strength (ankle, knee, hip)

Included in the meta‐analysis.


Geometric mean and 95% confidence interval.


Calculated to nmol L−1using coefficient of 2.5.

AFPT, aggregate functional performance time; C, control; FSST, the four square step test; FTFFT, Five‐times‐sit‐to‐stand‐test; HPLC, high‐performance liquid chromatography; HyD, 25‐hydroxyvitamin D3; I, intervention; LC/MS/MS, liquid chromatography, tandem mass spectrometry; LEP, Leg extension power; NA, not available; RIA, radioimmunoassay; SPPB, Short Physical Performance Battery; TUG, timed‐up‐and‐go.