PPARγ gain-of-function attenuates miR-27a, ETS1, and ET-1 expression and endothelial dysfunction in hemin-treated HPAECs. HPAECs were transfected with adenovirus containing a PPARγ plasmid (AdPPARγ, 25 multiplicity of infection) or green fluorescent protein (AdPPARγ−) constructs for 6 hours and were then treated with dimethyl sulfoxide vehicle (CON) or hemin (HEM, 5 µM) for 72 hours. miRNA or mRNA were isolated and subjected to qRT-PCR analysis (n = 3–9). (A) HPAEC PPARγ mRNA levels are expressed relative to 9S in the same sample as fold change versus CON. (B) HPAEC miR-27a levels are expressed relative to RNU6B as fold change versus CON. HPAEC (C) ETS1, (D) ET-1, (E) E-SEL, and (F) PECAM1 mRNA levels are expressed relative to 9S as fold change versus CON/AdPPARγ−. All bars represent mean ± SE. *P < 0.05 versus CON; +P < 0.05 versus HEM.