A, MAP of vehicle and captopril (ACEi) treated WKY and SHR (n=6–8/group). B, Intestinal mucosa-to-blood permeability assessed by FITC-dextran 4kDa concentration in the plasma revealed ACEi reverses increased permeability in the SHR. C–D, Mean effective modulus measured by a Multi-Scale Indentation System in both small intestine and proximal colon of vehicle and captopril treated WKY and SHR. E–H, Fibrotic area is decreased by ACEi in SHR (U). I–L, Cross sections of the small intestine of WKY and SHR shows protected tunica muscularis layer in ACEi treated SHR (V). M–P, The number of goblet cells per 100 epithelial cells was not improved by ACEi in SHR (W). Q–T, Villi lengths were improved by ACEi in SHR (X). *p<0.05 SHR vs all other groups; #p<0.05 SHR-ACEi vs SHR; +p<0.05 WKY-ACEi vs SHR-ACEi; φp<0.05 SHR vs WKY; ^p<0.05 SHR-ACEi vs WKY and WKY-ACEi.