FIG. 6.
Effect of wortmannin, bafilomycin, NH4Cl, and AG1478 on HSV-1 infectivity in J-nectin1, J-nectin1-EGFR1, J-nectin1-GPI, and CHO-nectin1 cells. (A to C) Cells grown in 96 wells were exposed to increasing concentrations of wortmannin (A), bafilomycin (B), or NH4Cl (C) for 30 min, infected with R8102 at 25 PFU/cell for 90 min in the same medium, and overlaid with medium containing the inhibitors for 6 h. Virus entry was measured as β-Gal activity and was expressed as a percentage of the value obtained in the absence of the inhibitors. Two to four independent experiments were performed. A typical experiment is shown. Data represent the mean of triplicates. (D) Cells grown in 96 wells were exposed to 100 mM AG1478 for 30 min, infected with R8102 at 25 PFU/cell for 90 min in the same medium, and overlaid with medium containing AG1478 for 6 h. Virus entry was measured and expressed as described for panels A to C. Bars represent standard errors.