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. 2017 Jan 7;6(1):e1. doi: 10.2196/resprot.5740

Table 1.

Intervention modules, Keep It Up! 2.0.

Module Style Content
Session 1 Healthy and Whole Person Diverse peer videos The first module welcomes and engages participants in the KIU! intervention. Diverse YMSM are interviewed on the streets of Atlanta, Chicago, and New York and discuss connections to family, community, and romantic partners for setting positive norms for condom use and obtaining support from family of origin and choice [15,16].
Hooking up
Stylized animation with three scenarios This animated module follows three diverse YMSM chatting online with a focus on identifying triggers for CAS. Embedded content focuses on the effects of mood on risk [17,18], negotiating correct condom use, consequences of drug and alcohol on decision making [4], and facts about STI symptoms and prevention.
Session 2 The Club Game Virtual reality game In this interactive game, participants address pros/cons of condom use, steps to correct condom use, consequences of excessive alcohol consumption or drug use, issues with presuming HIV status in others, and effects of sexual arousal on decision making [4].
(an Older Partner)
Illustrated story in Flash animation The power dynamics between an older and younger man in a dating relationship are explored as well as how YMSM can assert healthy behaviors [19]. Embedded in the module is a continuum of safer sex behaviors and strategies for implementing them.
Session 3 A Serious Relationship Illustrated story in Flash animation and scripted scenarios on video An illustrated story about dating considers ways to get sexual, emotional, and health needs met in relationships and how ongoing condom use can be an important aspect of that. The module also includes a video of a YMSM who receives an HIV-positive diagnosis while in a relationship. It wraps up with a video with actors portraying examples of good and bad communication about condom use.
Setting Risk
Reduction Goals
Health educator video and HIV prevention goals worksheet Participants develop three realistic and practical goals based on topics covered in the intervention such as consistent condom use, regular HIV testing, and improving communication with partners. The purpose is to plan to engage in behaviors that preserve emotional, sexual, and physical health, and to troubleshoot obstacles to successful implementation of the goals.

Sex in the City Scripted soap opera -style video A diverse cast of YMSM highlights the risks in making assumptions about a partner’s HIV status or monogamy, the limits of serosorting in HIV negative YMSM, the importance of regular testing, and skills for negotiating condom use within relationships. The soap opera is divided into four short videos that are shown across multiple sessions of the intervention. Part 1 is shown in the first session, part 2 in the second session, and parts 3 and 4 in the third session.
3 month
3 month
A series of videos follow a young man named Antoine as he learns the importance of regular HIV testing and condom use after a condom failure due to incorrect use by his partner. Also included is video follow-up of a character from the “Sex in the City” soap opera who received an HIV negative test result and is working to maintain his risk reduction strategies. Participants are also given information about pre-exposure prophylaxis and other biomedical prevention strategies in various formats (video, fact sheet, and embedded Twitter feed). At the end of the booster, participants have a chance to revisit intervention modules and goals, troubleshoot obstacles to meeting goals, and set new goals or re-affirm existing ones.
6 month
6 month
A series of videos follow Antoine as he navigates the dating scene before entering a serious relationship in which stopping condom use is discussed. In addition, participants have a chance to revisit 3 month booster content and goals, troubleshoot obstacles to meeting goals, and set new goals or re-affirm existing ones.