Table 2.
Number of classes | AIC | BIC | CAIC | a-BIC |
1 | 39724.56 | 39842.01 | 39857.01 | 39794.34 |
2 | 31636.81 | 31879.55 | 31910.55 | 31781.03 |
3 | 23881.12 | 24249.14 | 24296.14 | 24099.78 |
4 | 22233.05 | 22526.14 | 22789.35 | 22526.14 |
5 | 20721.96 | 21340.54 | 21419.54 | 21089.49 |
6 | 19861.71 | 20605.61 | 20700.61 | 20303.71 |
AIC Akaike information criterion, BIC Bayesion information criterion, CAIC consistent Akaike information criterion and a-BIC adjusted Bayesian information criterion
The latent class model chosen is highlighted in bold