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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Feb 1.
Published in final edited form as: Ann Behav Med. 2017 Feb;51(1):79–93. doi: 10.1007/s12160-016-9829-1
Database: MEDLINE (via PubMed)
Search date: 01/06/15
Set Search Terms Results
1 “Accelerometry”[Mesh] OR “Magnetometry”[Mesh] OR “Motor
Activity/instrumentation”[Mesh] OR fitness track*[tiab] OR activity track*[tiab] OR
fitness monitor*[tiab] OR gps[tiab] OR “global positioning”[tiab] OR activity
monitor*[tiab] OR motion sens*[tiab] OR accelerometer[tiab] OR
accelerometers[tiab] OR accelerometry[tiab] OR gyroscope[tiab] OR
gyroscopic[tiab] OR gyroscopes[tiab] OR actograph[tiab] OR actographic[tiab]
OR actography[tiab] OR actographs[tiab] OR wearable system[tiab] OR
wearable systems[tiab] OR wearable sensor[tiab] OR wearable sensors[tiab] OR
((step[tiab] OR steps[tiab]) AND (counting[tiab] OR counted[tiab] OR
counter[tiab] OR counters[tiab] OR count[tiab])) OR actigraph[tiab] OR
(basis[tiab] AND peak[tiab]) OR “bowflex boost”[tiab] OR “fit link”[tiab] OR
(misfit[tiab] AND shine[tiab]) OR (polar[tiab] AND loop[tiab]) OR bodybugg[tiab]
OR bodymedia[tiab] OR fitbit[tiab] OR fitbug[tiab] OR fuelband[tiab] OR
garmin[tiab] OR gowear[tiab] OR gruve[tiab] OR ibitz[tiab] OR iqua[tiab] OR
lumo[tiab] OR motoactiv[tiab] OR runtastic[tiab] OR scosche[tiab] OR
smartband[tiab] OR striiv[tiab] OR tomtom[tiab] OR vivofit[tiab] OR
vivosmart[tiab] OR wahoo[tiab] OR wakemate[tiab] OR withings[tiab]
2 “Movement”[Mesh] OR “Exercise Movement Techniques”[Mesh] OR “Exercise
Therapy”[Mesh] OR “Physical Fitness”[Mesh] OR “Physical Endurance”[Mesh]
OR “Physical Exertion”[Mesh] OR fitness[tiab] OR activity[tiab] OR active[tiab]
OR walk*[tiab] OR run*[tiab] OR step[tiab] OR steps[tiab] OR exercise[tiab] OR
3 (randomized controlled trial[pt] OR controlled clinical trial[pt] OR
randomized[tiab] OR randomised[tiab] OR randomization[tiab] OR
randomisation[tiab] OR randomly[tiab] OR trial[tiab] OR groups[tiab]) NOT
(Editorial[ptyp] OR Letter[ptyp] OR Case Reports[ptyp] OR Comment[ptyp])
4 #1 AND #2 AND #3 4858
5 #4 NOT (“Child”[Mesh] NOT “Adult”[Mesh]) 4355
6 #5, English, 2000 – present 3506
Database: Embase
Search date: 01/06/15
Set Search Terms Results
1 ‘accelerometry’/exp OR ‘magnetometry’/exp OR (fitness NEAR/2 track*):ab,ti OR
(activity NEAR/2 track*):ab,ti OR (fitness NEAR/2 monitor*):ab,ti OR gps:ab,ti
OR ‘global positioning’:ab,ti OR (activity NEAR/2 monitor):ab,ti OR (motion
NEAR/2 sens*):ab,ti OR accelerometer:ab,ti OR accelerometers:ab,ti OR
accelerometry:ab,ti OR gyroscope:ab,ti OR gyroscopic:ab,ti OR gyroscopes:ab,ti
OR actograph:ab,ti OR actographic:ab,ti OR actography:ab,ti OR
actographs:ab,ti OR ‘wearable system’:ab,ti OR ‘wearable systems’:ab,ti OR
‘wearable sensor’:ab,ti OR ‘wearable sensors’:ab,ti OR ((step OR steps):ab,ti
AND (counting OR counted OR counter OR counters OR count):ab,ti) OR
actigraph:ab,ti OR (basis NEAR/3 peak):ab,ti,df OR ‘bowflex boost’:ab,ti,df OR
‘fit link’:ab,ti,df OR (misfit NEAR/3 shine):ab,ti,df OR (polar NEAR/3 loop):ab,ti,df
OR bodybugg:ab,ti,df OR bodymedia:ab,ti,df OR fitbit:ab,ti,df OR fitbug:ab,ti,df
OR fuelband:ab,ti,df OR garmin:ab,ti,df OR gowear:ab,ti,df OR gruve:ab,ti,df OR
ibitz:ab,ti,df OR iqua:ab,ti,df OR lumo:ab,ti,df OR motoactiv:ab,ti,df OR
runtastic:ab,ti,df OR scosche:ab,ti,df OR smartband:ab,ti,df OR striiv:ab,ti,df OR
tomtom:ab,ti,df OR vivofit:ab,ti,df OR vivosmart:ab,ti,df OR wahoo:ab,ti,df OR
wakemate:ab,ti,df OR withings:ab,ti,df
2 ‘movement (physiology)’/exp OR ‘physical activity, capacity and
performance’/exp OR ‘kinesiotherapy’/exp OR ‘fitness’/exp OR fitness:ab,ti OR
activity:ab,ti OR active:ab,ti OR walk*:ab,ti OR run*:ab,ti OR step:ab,ti OR
steps:ab,ti OR exercise:ab,ti OR move*:ab,ti
3 (‘randomized controlled trial’/exp OR ‘crossover procedure’/exp OR ‘double blind
procedure’/exp OR ‘single blind procedure’/exp OR random*:ab,ti OR
factorial*:ab,ti OR crossover*:ab,ti OR (cross NEAR/1 over*):ab,ti OR (doubl*
NEAR/1 blind*):ab,ti OR (singl* NEAR/1 blind*):ab,ti OR assign*:ab,ti OR
allocat*:ab,ti OR volunteer*:ab,ti) NOT (‘case report’/exp OR ‘case study’/exp
OR ‘editorial’/exp OR ‘letter’/exp OR ‘note’/exp)
4 #1 AND #2 AND #3 3250
5 #4 NOT (‘child’/exp NOT ‘adult’/exp) 2888
6 #5 AND [embase]/lim NOT [medline]/lim 1051
7 #6, Limits: English, 2000- 988
Database: CINAHL
Search date: 01/06/15
Set Search Terms Results
1 (MH “Accelerometry”) OR (MH “Magnetics+”) OR TI ( “fitness track*” or “activity
track*” or “fitness monitor*” or gps or “global positioning” or “activity monitor*” or
“motion sens*” or accelerometer or accelerometers or accelerometry or
gyroscope or gyroscopic or gyroscopes or actograph or actographic or
actography or actographs or “wearable system” or “wearable systems” or
“wearable sensor” or “wearable sensors” or ((step or steps) and (counting or
counted or counter or counters or count)) or actigraph or (basis and peak) or
“bowflex boost” or “fit link” or (misfit and shine) or (polar and loop) or bodybugg
or bodymedia or fitbit or fitbug or fuelband or garmin or gowear or gruve or ibitz
or iqua or lumo or motoactiv or runtastic or scosche or smartband or striiv or
tomtom or vivofit or vivosmart or wahoo or wakemate or withings ) OR AB (
“fitness track*” or “activity track*” or “fitness monitor*” or gps or “global
positioning” or “activity monitor*” or “motion sens*” or accelerometer or
accelerometers or accelerometry or gyroscope or gyroscopic or gyroscopes or
actograph or actographic or actography or actographs or “wearable system” or
“wearable systems” or “wearable sensor” or “wearable sensors” or ((step or
steps) and (counting or counted or counter or counters or count)) or actigraph or
(basis and peak) or “bowflex boost” or “fit link” or (misfit and shine) or (polar and
loop) or bodybugg or bodymedia or fitbit or fitbug or fuelband or garmin or
gowear or gruve or ibitz or iqua or lumo or motoactiv or runtastic or scosche or
smartband or striiv or tomtom or vivofit or vivosmart or wahoo or wakemate or
withings )
2 (MH “Movement+”) OR (MH “Exercise+”) OR (MH “Therapeutic Exercise+”) OR
(MH “Physical Activity”) OR (MH “Physical Fitness+”) OR (MH “Exertion+”) OR
TI ( OR fitness OR activity OR active OR walk* OR run* OR step OR steps OR
exercise OR move* ) OR AB ( OR fitness OR activity OR active OR walk* OR
run* OR step OR steps OR exercise OR move* )
3 (MH “Treatment Outcomes+”) OR randomized OR PT clinical trial 317,587
4 #1 AND #2 AND #3 636
5 #4, English, 2000- 602
Database: SPORTDiscus
Search date: 01/06/15
Set Search Terms Results
1 DE “ACCELEROMETERS” OR TI ( “fitness track*” or “activity track*” or “fitness
monitor*” or gps or “global positioning” or “activity monitor*” or “motion sens*” or
accelerometer or accelerometers or accelerometry or gyroscope or gyroscopic or
gyroscopes or actograph or actographic or actography or actographs or
“wearable system” or “wearable systems” or “wearable sensor” or “wearable
sensors” or ((step or steps) and (counting or counted or counter or counters or
count)) or actigraph or (basis and peak) or “bowflex boost” or “fit link” or (misfit
and shine) or (polar and loop) or bodybugg or bodymedia or fitbit or fitbug or
fuelband or garmin or gowear or gruve or ibitz or iqua or lumo or motoactiv or
runtastic or scosche or smartband or striiv or tomtom or vivofit or vivosmart or
wahoo or wakemate or withings ) OR AB ( “fitness track*” or “activity track*” or
“fitness monitor*” or gps or “global positioning” or “activity monitor*” or “motion
sens*” or accelerometer or accelerometers or accelerometry or gyroscope or
gyroscopic or gyroscopes or actograph or actographic or actography or
actographs or “wearable system” or “wearable systems” or “wearable sensor” or
“wearable sensors” or ((step or steps) and (counting or counted or counter or
counters or count)) or actigraph or (basis and peak) or “bowflex boost” or “fit link”
or (misfit and shine) or (polar and loop) or bodybugg or bodymedia or fitbit or
fitbug or fuelband or garmin or gowear or gruve or ibitz or iqua or lumo or
motoactiv or runtastic or scosche or smartband or striiv or tomtom or vivofit or
vivosmart or wahoo or wakemate or withings )
2 (random* OR trial) 56299
3 #1 AND #2 639
4 #3, English, 2000-, Academic Journals 543
Database: Cochrane CENTRAL
Search date: 01/06/15
Set Search Terms Results
1 [mh Accelerometry] OR [mh Magnetometry] 341
2 “fitness track*”:ab,ti or “activity track*”:ab,ti or “fitness monitor*”:ab,ti or gps:ab,ti
or “global positioning”:ab,ti or “activity monitor*”:ab,ti or “motion sens*”:ab,ti or
accelerometer:ab,ti or accelerometers:ab,ti or accelerometry:ab,ti or
gyroscope:ab,ti or gyroscopic:ab,ti or gyroscopes:ab,ti or actograph:ab,ti or
actographic:ab,ti or actography:ab,ti or actographs:ab,ti or “wearable
system”:ab,ti or “wearable systems”:ab,ti or “wearable sensor”:ab,ti or “wearable
sensors”:ab,ti or ((step:ab,ti or steps:ab,ti) and (counting:ab,ti or counted:ab,ti or
counter:ab,ti or counters:ab,ti or count:ab,ti)) or actigraph:ab,ti or (basis:ab,ti and
peak:ab,ti) or “bowflex boost”:ab,ti or “fit link”:ab,ti or (misfit:ab,ti and shine:ab,ti)
or (polar:ab,ti and loop:ab,ti) or bodybugg:ab,ti or bodymedia:ab,ti or fitbit:ab,ti or
fitbug:ab,ti or fuelband:ab,ti or garmin:ab,ti or gowear:ab,ti or gruve:ab,ti or
ibitz:ab,ti or iqua:ab,ti or lumo:ab,ti or motoactiv:ab,ti or runtastic:ab,ti or
scosche:ab,ti or smartband:ab,ti or striiv:ab,ti or tomtom:ab,ti or vivofit:ab,ti or
vivosmart:ab,ti or wahoo:ab,ti or wakemate:ab,ti or withings:ab,ti
3 #1 OR #2 3204
4 [mh “Movement”] OR [mh “Exercise Movement Techniques”] OR [mh “Exercise
Therapy”] OR [mh “Physical Fitness”] OR [mh “Physical Endurance”] OR [mh
“Physical Exertion”]
5 fitness:ab,ti OR activity:ab,ti OR active:ab,ti OR walk*:ab,ti OR run*:ab,ti OR
step:ab,ti OR steps:ab,ti OR exercise:ab,ti OR move*:ab,ti
6 #4 OR #5 140,071
Set Search Terms Results
7 #3 AND #6 1630
8 #5, 2000 – present, In Trials 1281