Fig. 3.
A shows a ramp stimulus (bottom) and the associated firing rate response for A- and C-type neurons from a dog carotid artery. Data are extracted from the studies by Schild (1994) and Seagard et al. (1990). B shows the step response from a rat A-type neuron (it is believed that some C-type neurons respond in a qualitatively similar manner with a lower firing rate, while others exhibit overshoot, but subsequently ceases to fire), Data extracted from the study by Brown et al. (1978). C shows a sinusoidal stimulus and response for a rabbit A-type neuron, data extracted from Franz et al. (1971). C-type firing patterns are reported to be similar but with lower amplitude (See Brown et al. (1978)). D shows the pulse pressure stimulus and response for a rat A-type neuron. Note that the neuron cease firing following the pressure drop. Data are extracted from Saum et al. (1976). To our knowledge detailed firing rate recordings of C-type response to a pulse stimulus have been reported.