Single z-slice confocal images of sectioned back skin (A–B’’’), whisker follicles (C–D’’’) and glabrous forepaw skin (EG’’’) from P0 (A–A’’’, C–C’’’, E–E’’’), P21 (F–F’’’) and 9 month-old (B–B’’’, D–D’’’, G–G’’’) female C57Bl/6J mice that received 10mg/kg EdU at E14.5, 15.5 and 16.5. Tissues were processed for EdU (A’–G’, green) and K8 immunostaining (A’’–G’’, red). Yellow arrows indicate K8+EdU+ cells. Exposure times are similar for all panels. (H) Average percentages (± SEM) of K8+ cells that were EdU+ in each skin region (n=4 mice/age). Scale bar: 50µm.