Fig. 2. FAK activity and H3K9 methylation are tightly associated.
(A) TRCs exhibit low FAK gene expression (top panel) and activity (bottom panel). (B) FAK activity decreases in cell cultured on 90-Pa collagen-1 gels surface. Control melanoma cells decrease FAK activity (C, D) and H3K9 methylation (E, F) after culture in soft fibrin matrices. Control cells were transfected with FAK or H3K9 biosensors on rigid plastic and then cultured in soft fibrin matrices. n=35 cells per condition; *P<0.05. Representative FRET images were shown in the bottom panels of (C, E). Scale bars: 10 μm. The proteins of these cells were extracted for analysis of FAK and H3K9 methylation by western blots. Representative images of 3 independent experiments.