Level 1 – participation |
Number of physicians and health care professionals who participated in the CPD activity |
Attendance records |
Level 2 – satisfaction |
The degree to which the setting and delivery of the CPD activity met the participants' expectations |
Questionnaires completed by attendees following the CPD activity |
Level 3a – learning: declarative knowledge |
The degree to which participants can articulate what the CPD activity intended to convey |
Objective: pre- and post-test knowledge |
Subjective: self-report of knowledge gain |
Level 3b – learning: procedural knowledge |
The degree to which participants state how to do what the CPD activity intended for them to do |
Objective: pre- and post-test knowledge |
Subjective: self-report of knowledge gain |
Level 4 – competence |
The degree to which participants demonstrate/show in an educational setting how to do what the CPD activity intended them to be able to do |
Objective: observation in an education setting |
Subjective: self-report of competence, intention to change |
Level 5 – performance |
The degree to which participants do what the CPD activity intended them to be able to do in practice |
Objective: observation of performance in patient care setting, patient charts, administrative databases |
Subjective: self-reports of performance |
Level 6 – patient health |
The degree to which the health status of a community of patients changes in response to changes in the practice behaviour of CPD participants |
Objective: health status measures recorded in patient charts or administrative databases |
Subjective: patient self-report of health status |
Level 7 – community |
The degree to which the health status of a community of patients changes in response to changes in the practice behaviour of CPD participants |
Objective: epidemiological data reports |
Subjective: community self-report |