Fig. 3.
Average tau-PET SUVR (top panels) and z-scores (bottom panels) in three regions. (Left panels) Entorhinal cortex tau; (middle panels) inferior temporal; (right panels) Pallidum. Color and symbols are used to indicate the reference group (30–49 years); amyloid positive (global amyloid ≥1.4; 50+ years) and amyloid negative (global amyloid<1.4; 50+ years). In the top panels, a line is shown at 1 to indicate background levels of tau-PET uptake (relative to median uptake in the cerebellar crus). In the bottom panels, a line is shown at 2 to indicate the cut point we used to determine tau positivity in the paper. Abbreviations: ERC, entorhinal cortex; SUVR, standardized uptake value ratio.