Figure 3.
Effect of Tangzhiqing granules on expression of nephrin, CD2AP, desmin, and α-SMA protein and mRNA in renal cortex tissues in five groups. Nephrin, CD2AP, desmin, and α-SMA protein expression levels were analyzed by western blotting (a). Relative protein expression levels of nephrin, CD2AP, desmin, and α-SMA were shown in (b–e). Data were presented as mean ± SD and normalized to β-actin protein expression. The mRNA expression levels of nephrin, CD2AP, desmin, and α-SMA were assessed by real-time PCR (f–i). The data were expressed as mean ± SD and normalized to β-actin mRNA expression. ∗P < 0.05 versus control group; #P < 0.05 compared to DM group; ▲P < 0.05 compared to TZQ2 group.