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. 2017 Jan 24;7:41222. doi: 10.1038/srep41222

Table 1. Means (M) and standard deviations (SD) of demographic, clinical and psychological characteristics of the patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and healthy controls (HC).

measure max HC (N = 13)
PD (N = 13)
age [years]   63.15 11.15 64.31 8.66
education [years]   13.65 3.24 13.04a 3.82
MoCA (cognitive status) 30 28.23 1.83 26.38 1.76
WST (premorbid intelligence) 42 29.69 4.03 29.15 4.41
AES (apathy) 54 10.23 7.94 16.15 6.62
BDI-II (depression) 63 6.31 6.36 8.85 7.56
BSI-18 (psychiatric status) 72 5.25a 5.74 11.27b 10.84
 anxiety 24 1.50a 1.62 4.09b 3.70
 depression 24 1.67a 2.19 3.55b 4.76
 somatization 24 2.08a 2.75 3.64b 3.47
SF-36 (health status) 100 72.34a 21.15 56.59b 22.25
 physical functioning 100 76.67a 26.14 45.91b 31.53
 physical role functioning 100 56.25a 47.82 47.73b 39.46
 bodily pain 100 72.42a 25.05 57.00b 36.21
 general health perception 100 62.25a 25.35 51.09b 23.11
 vitality 100 65.00a 21.74 52.73b 19.67
 social role functioning 100 86.46a 15.50 69.32b 20.44
 emotional role functioning 100 83.33a 33.33 69.70b 45.84
 mental health 100 76.33a 16.22 59.27b 22.19
BIS-Brief (impulsiveness) 32 14.62 3.31 15.03 4.06
DII (impulsivity)          
 functional 11 6.15 3.00 5.23 2.55
 dysfunctional 12 2.15 2.19 3.00 3.65
QUIP-RS (impulse control) 112 0.09b 0.30 9.83a 11.10
 impulse control disorder 64 0.08 0.28 5.33a 5.63
SPQ (schizotypal traits) 22 5.33a 4.42 5.83a 4.93
 interpersonal 8 3.25a 3.02 2.75a 2.26
 cognitive-perceptual 8 1.00a 0.85 1.33a 1.30
 disorganized 6 1.08a 1.24 1.75a 2.30

Note. max = maximal value of the respective measure; MoCA = Montreal Cognitive Assessment22; WST = Wortschatztest27; AES = Apathy Evaluation Scale63; BDI-II = Beck Depression Inventory-II64; BSI-18 = Brief Symptom Inventory (18-item version)65; SF-36 = Short Form Health Survey66; BIS-Brief = Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (8-item version)67; DII = Dickman Impulsivity Inventory68; QUIP-RS = Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson’s Disease—Rating Scale69; SPQ = Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire70.

aBased on n = 12.

bBased on n = 11.