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. 2017 Jan 24;7:41057. doi: 10.1038/srep41057

Table 2. Data comparison of patients with baseline, interim and end-of-treatment PET/CT.

Characteristics SUVmax
≤15.1 n = 26 >15.1 n = 21 ≤16.1 n = 31 >16.1 n = 16 ≤44.7 n = 21 >44.7 n = 26 Neg n = 19 Pos n = 15 Neg n = 19 Pos n = 9
Sex (M/F) 16/10 11/10 0.528 15/16 12/4 0.080 10/11 17/9 0.221 10/9 10/5 0.495 12/7 4/5 0.432
Age (≤60/>60) 23/3 20/1 0.763 28/3 15/1 1.000 19/2 24/2 1.000 18/1 12/3 0.299 17/2 8/1 1.000
B symptoms (No/Yes) 14/12 6/15 0.081 15/16 5/11 0.260 13/8 7/19 0.016 7/12 6/9 1.000 7/12 4/5 1.000
ECOG (<2/≥2) 18/8 16/5 0.596 23/8 11/5 0.959 18/3 16/10 0.065 17/2 11/4 0.370 13/6 5/4 0.677
LDH level (≤245/>245) 19/7 7/14 0.006 20/11 6/10 0.078 14/7 12/14 0.160 12/7 7/8 0.489 10/9 3/6 0.435
IPI score (0–1/2–5) 19/7 15/6 0.900 26/5 8/8 0.034 20/1 14/12 0.002 15/4 12/3 1.000 12/7 6/3 1.000
KPI score (0–2/3–4) 22/4 10/11 0.007 24/7 8/8 0.056 18/3 14/12 0.020 15/4 7/8 0.075 12/7 4/5 0.432
Ann Arbor Stage (I/II/III/IV) 19/7 10/11 0.074 24/7 6/10 0.007 17/4 13/13 0.028 13/6 10/5 1.000 12/7 4/5 0.432
Lesions (UAT/NUAT) 23/3 14/7 0.145 29/2 8/8 0.002 20/1 17/9 0.033 16/3 10/5 0.417 4/15 5/4 0.097

ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; IPI, International Prognostic Index; KPI, Korean prognostic index; UAT, upper aerodigestive tract; NUAT, non-upper aerodigestive tract; SUVmax, maximum standardized uptake value; WBMTV, whole-body metabolic tumour volume; WBTLG, whole-body total lesion glycolysis; I-PET, interim PET/CT; E-PET, end-of-treatment PET/CT; Neg, negative; Pos, positive.