Fig. 6.
Expression of phosphorylated ERK1/2 in WT- and Sil-HaCaT cells in four migration patterns at different time points. a, b IF images and time courses of phosphorylated ERK1/2 expression in WT-HaCaT cells (a). Data were presented as the mean ± SE of normalized FI of totally >9 cells at the leading edge. ††The level of statistical significance of difference in normalized mean FI at t = 24 between C/S IN and C/S OUT patterns in WT-HaCaT cells (b). (c, d) IF images and time courses of phosphorylated ERK1/2 expression in Sil-HaCaT cells (c). Data were presented as the mean ± SE of normalized FI of totally >9 cells at the leading edge (d). Scale bar 50 μm