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. 2017 Jan 23;18:34. doi: 10.1186/s12891-017-1407-6

Table 1.

Demographics and lumbar MRI features of 101 Modic 1 patients

Age, years (SD) 56.6 (13.4)
Male sex 41 (40.6)
Modic 1 changes
 Modic 1 location
  L1/L2 level 1 (1.0)
  L2/L3 level 15 (14.9)
  L3/L4 level 11 (10.9)
  L4/L5 level 37 (36.6)
  L5/S1 level 37 (36.6)
 Anterior Modic 1 33 (32.7)
 Posterior Modic 1 23 (22.8)
 Lateral Modic 1 68 (67.3)
 Periosteophytic Modic 1 8 (7.9)
 Modic 1 extension
  Height, mean (SD) 1.5 (0.6)
  Width, mean (SD) 2.6 (0.7)
IVD and VESB changes
 IVSN > 50% 70 (69.3)
 Asymmetrical DDD 44 (43.6)
 Spondylolisthesis 25 (24.8)
 Anterior IVD herniation 51 (50.5)
 Posterior IVD herniation 56 (55.4)
 Anterior osteophytes 68 (67.3)
 Lateral osteophytes 59 (58.4)

Data are no. (%) of patients unless indicated

DDD degenerative disc disease, IVD intervertebral disc, IVSN intervertebral space narrowing, VESB vertebral endplate subchondral bone