Figure 8.
TNF-α (A and D), IFN-γ (B and D), and IL-12 (D) protein expression, and IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-2, COX-1, COX-2, constitutive NO synthase (cNOS), iNOS, and β-actin mRNA levels (C), in the colon of BALB/c naive mice, TNBS- and PAR1 antagonist–treated mice, or TNBS- and vehicle-treated mice (A–C), or in the colon of BALB/c naive mice, mice treated with DSS plus vehicle, or mice treated with DSS plus PAR1 antagonist (D). For A, B, and D, protein content of the mouse colon was determined by ELISA, and values are mean ± SEM; n = 12 per group. *Significantly different from naive group; **significantly different from vehicle-treated group. For C, RT-PCR mRNA amplification was representative of 12 mice per group for each mediator.