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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Jan 24.
Published in final edited form as: J Alzheimers Dis. 2017;55(3):933–949. doi: 10.3233/JAD-160359

Table 1. General demographic, clinical and neuropsychological characteristics of participant groups.

Characteristic Healthy controls AD LPA PNFA
No. (m:f) 9:10 10:6 3:2 2:7
Age (yrs) 69.7 (4.7) 68.9 (6.4) 63.6 (6.2) 71.9 (7.8)
Musical training (yrs) 5.0 (3.6) 4.1 (2.9) 3.2 (4.0) 2.7 (2.6)
Musical listening (hrs/week) 10.2 (10.1) 8.8 (11.0) 5.2 (3.1) 4.9 (7.2)
Education (yrs) 16.8 (2.0) 15.3 (2.7) 14.4 (3.0) 16.3 (2.6)
MMSE (/30) 29.3 (1.1) 21 (4.7)* 16 (9.6)* 20 (11.2)*
Symptom duration (yrs) - 6.4 (2.1) 5.8 (3.1) 6.8 (3.7)


General intellect: IQ
WASI verbal IQ 118 (7) 98 (14)* 69 (12)** 84 (19)*
WASI performance IQ 119 (13) 91 (20)* 94 (21) 100 (20)
NART estimated premorbid IQ 122 (5) 114 (9)* 88 (12)** 106 (16)*

Pitch discrimination
screen (/20) 19.6 (0.7) 19.1 (1.6) 19.2 (1.1) 18.6 (2.1)

Episodic memory
RMT words (/50) 48 (2) 30 (6)*** 32 (6)* 45 (6)
RMT faces (/50) 43 (4) 31 (6)* 34 (7) 36 (6)*
Camden PAL (/24) 20 (3) 4 (4)*** 3 (3)*** 17 (5)

Executive skills
WASI Block Design (/71) 43 (16) 19 (13)* 26 (22) 19 (18)*
WASI Matrices (/32) 25 (4) 13 (7)* 17 (9) 18 (8)
WMS-R digit span forward (/12) 9 (2) 7 (2) 3 (3)* 6 (2)
WMS-R digit span reverse (/12) 8 (2) 5 (2)* 2 (1)* 3 (2)*
D-KEFS Stroop colour (s) 30 (4) 52 (22)* 62 (19)* 67 (21)*
D-KEFS Stroop word (s) 21 (3) 34 (19) 35 (13) 52 (25)*
D-KEFS Stroop interference (s) 60 (17) 106 (49)* 115 (17) 149 (37)*
Letter fluency (F: total) 16 (5) 11 (5) 7 (2)* 4 (3)**
Category fluency (animals: total) 23 (5) 12 (5)* 9 (5)* 10 (3)*
Trails A (s) 33 (10) 70 (45)* 84 (39)* 69 (37)*
Trails B (s) 81 (39) 199 (75)* 232 (73)* 233 (67)*
WAIS-R Digit Symbol (total) 55 (11) 24 (15)* 38 (11) 27 (12)*

Language skills
WASI Vocabulary (/80) 70 (3) 56 (10)* 23 (20)** 35 (21)**
WASI Similarities (/48) 38 (5) 26 (11)* 13 (7)* 25 (12)*
GNT (/30) 26 (2) 15 (7)* 7 (8)* 15 (9)*
BPVS (/150) 148 (2) 145 (3)* 141 (7) 139 (13)*
NART (/50) 43 (4) 36 (7)* 17 (11)** 30 (13)*
Single word repetition (/45) - - 40 (4) 33 (15)
Sentence repetition (/10) - - 7 (3) 6 (4)

Other skills
GDA (/24) 15 (5) 5 (6)* 4 (5)* 4 (4)*
VOSP Object Decision (/20) 19 (1) 16 (3)* 18 (2) 16 (5)

Mean (standard deviation) values are shown unless otherwise indicated; results in bold indicate mean score <5th percentile for age norms (not available for BPVS, letter fluency, word repetition, sentence repetition); *significantly different from healthy control group **significantly different from healthy control and AD group ***significantly different from healthy control and PNFA group. Reduced numbers of participants completing each of the tests (by group) were as follows: D-KEFS Stroop, 15 AD, four LPA, five PNFA; fluency (letter, category), five PNFA; GDA, eight PNFA; GNT, eight PNFA; NART, six PNFA; RMT (words, faces), 18 controls, 15 AD; Trails, 14 AD, four LPA; VOSP Object Decision, eight PNFA; WAIS-R Digit Symbol, 13 AD, seven PNFA; WASI (Block Design, Matrices, Similarities, Vocabulary), four LPA; WMS-R digit span reverse, four LPA, eight PNFA. AD, Alzheimer’s disease; BPVS, British Picture Vocabulary Scale [99]; D-KEFS, Delis Kaplan Executive System [100]; GDA, Graded Difficulty Arithmetic [101]; GNT, Graded Naming Test [102]; LPA, logopenic aphasia; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination score [103]; NART, National Adult Reading Test [104]; PAL, Paired Associate Learning; PNFA, progressive nonfluent aphasia; RMT, Recognition Memory Test [105]; VOSP, Visual Object and Spatial Perception Battery [106]; WAIS-R, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Revised [107]; WASI, Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence [108]; WMS-R, Wechsler Memory Scale Revised [109].