Table 3.
Soybean microarrays and low redundancy and low redudancy unigene sets built from the public EST collection
Microarrays and Reracked Unigene cDNA sets a | Source cDNA Library a | No. of cDNAs on array | Soybean Variety | Soybean tissues b |
Set 1. Gm-r1070: 9216 cDNAs highly representative of developing seeds and flowers | ||||
Gm-r1070 | Gm-c1016 | 2242 | Williams 82 | immature flowers |
" | Gm-c1015 | 1696 | Williams 82 | mature flowers |
" | Gm-c1008 | 869 | Williams | whole young pods (2 cm) |
" | Gm-c1029 | 589 | Williams | immature cotyledons from 25–50 mg fresh weight seed |
" | Gm-c1010 | 234 | Williams | immature cotyledons 100–200 mg seed fresh wt. |
" | Gm-c1011 | 88 | Williams | immature cotyledons 100–200 mg seed fresh wt. |
" | Gm-c1007 | 528 | Williams | immature cotyledons 100–300 mg seed fresh wt. |
" | Gm-c1030 | 1200 | Williams | immature cotyledons 100–300 mg seed fresh wt. low expressing cDNAs fromGm-c1007 filter hybridizations |
" | Gm-c1023 | 89 | T157 | immature seed coats from seed of 100–200 mg fresh wt. |
" | Gm-c1019 | 1681 | Williams | immature seed coats from seed of 200–300 mg fresh wt. |
Set 2. Gm-r1021+Gm-r1083: 9216 cDNAs highly representative of roots | ||||
Gm-r1021(c) | Gm-c1004 | 4224 | Williams | roots of 8-days old seedlings |
Gm-r1083 | Gm-c1009 | 1117 | Williams | roots, 2 month old plants |
" | Gm-c1028 | 3055 | Supernod | roots innoculated with B. japonicum |
" | Gm-c1013 | 820 | Williams | whole 2–3 week old seedlings |
Set 3. Gm-r1088: 9216 cDNAs highly representative of seedlings, leaves, and stressed or pathogen challended tissues | ||||
Gm-r1088 | Gm-c1019 | 426 | Williams | immature seed coats from seed of 200–300 mg fresh wt. |
" | Gm-c1023 | 929 | T157 | immature seed coats from seed of 100–200 mg fresh wt. |
" | Gm-c1027 | 2706 | Williams | cotyledons of 3- and 7-day-old seedlings |
" | Gm-c1036 | 613 | Jack | somatic embryos cultured on MSD 20 for 2 to 9 mo. |
" | Gm-c1075 | 304 | Jack | differentiating somatic embryos cultured on MSM6AC |
" | Gm-c1064 | 707 | Williams | epicotyl, 2 week old seedling, auxin treatment |
" | Gm-c1065 | 1309 | Williams | germinating shoot, cold stressed, 3 day old seedlings |
" | Gm-c1066 | 191 | Williams | leaf and shoot tip, salt stressed, 2 wk. old seedling |
" | Gm-c1067 | 438 | Williams82 | germinating shoot, 3 day old seedling, auxin treatment |
" | Gm-c1068 | 630 | Williams82 | leaf, drought stressed. 1 month old plants |
" | Gm-c1072 | 365 | PI 567.374 | leaves and shots from 2–3 week old seedlings induced for SDS symptoms |
" | Gm-c1073 | 324 | Williams 82 | leaves and shoots from 2–3 week old seedlings included for SDS symptoms |
" | Gm-c1074 | 274 | Williams 82 | 9–11 day old seedlings induced for HR response by P. syringae carrying avrB gene |
a More description of the reracked and source libraries are available in Genbank at
b Tissues were collected from plants grown in greehouse or growth chamber except for the immature and mature flowers which were collected from plants grown in the field.
c Since the Gm-r1021 reracked liabrary contains 4089 cDNAs, a total of 135 were repeated to obtain an even 9216 when combined with the Gm-r1083 cDNAs.