Fig. 7. Detection of NRG1 in zECM.
(A) Immunohistochemical detection of NRG1 (brown arrowheads) in normal and healing (3 dpa) zebrafish hearts. (B) Positive immunofluorescence detection of NRG1 (green) at the ventricular apex of normal zebrafish heart (nzH) and healing zebrafish heart (hzH) but not in the adult mouse heart (mH). (C) Consistent with the in situ NRG1 staining, Western blotting showed that both nzECM and hzECM ECM contain NRG1 protein. (D) Quantification data indicate hzECM and nzECM contain approximately 6.5 and 5 times more NRG1 than normal mECM, respectively. Data represent means ± SD. ***P < 0.001 versus mECM. Scale bars, 50 μm.