Figure 8. IL-33 induces DC maturation and T cell priming via MyD88.
(A) rIL-33 increased costimulatory molecules and STAT1 on WT DCs but not in MyD88−/− DCs. Purified splenic DCs were stimulated with 10 ng/mL of IL-33 daily for three days. (B) IL-33-activated DCs from (A) were injected into mice harboring established B16-SIY tumors (n=5). The following day naïve 2C CD8+ T cells (1B2+) were stained with e450 cell proliferation dye and transferred i.v. After four days DLN were harvested to measure proliferation of transferred cells. Flowjo software was used to calculate the percentage of individual generations by e450 dye dilution. (C) Flow cytometry was used to analyze the percentages of IFN-γ+ and Ki-67+ among 2C CD8+ T cells in tumor tissues. *; p<0.05, **;p<0.01. Data (mean ± SEM) are representative of at least 2 independent experiments.