Figure 6.
Geniposide alleviated the decrease in synapse-related proteins in cultured primary hippocampal neurons. (A–D) Western blot analysis of phospho-CaMKIIα and total-CaMKIIα (A), phospho-CREB and total-CREB (B), PSD-95 (C), synaptophysin (SYN) (D), and GAPDH in hippocampal neurons treated with the indicated concentrations of oligomeric Aβ1–42 or geniposide. Western blot of synaptophysin, PSD-95, and GAPDH were performed in the same membrane, therefore they share the same loading control (GAPDH). Quantification of p-CaMKIIα/CaMKIIα (A) p-CREB/CREB (B), PSD-95/GAPDH (C), and synaptophysin/GAPDH (D) was performed with the values from vehicle-treated neurons set as 1.0. Data are presented as the mean ± SEM. n = 4 independent cultures. NS, non-significant.