Figure 8.
Lack of GluA3 in PCs Causes Motor Learning Deficits
(A) Representative activity of vertical-axis PCs recorded in the flocculus of WT and L7/GluA3-KO mice during visual stimulation (5°, 0.6 Hz). Bar graphs show that the averages of firing frequency (FF), the coefficient of variation in adjacent intervals (CV2), the modulation amplitude of simple spikes, and the frequency and modulation amplitude of complex spikes during OKR stimulation were similar in control (n = 22) and L7/GluA3-KO mice (n = 19). The visual stimulus is shown together with histograms of simple spike and complex spike frequencies and corresponding raster plots on the right.
(B) Eye-movement phase values in L7/GluA3-KO mice (open square) and WT mice (closed circle) during visuovestibular mismatch training are comparable, highlighting that the strength of the visual signals was in principle sufficient to induce learning.
(C) Phase values of VOR-adaptation catch trials in L7/GluA3-KO mice show a significantly impaired shift over 5 days compared with trials in their WT littermates, illustrating that motor learning is affected despite normal visual signaling as demonstrated in (A) and (B).
(D) Polar plot of the gain and phase data shows a common learning trajectory and comparable initial gain for both groups. In the inset, the final VOR reached after 5 days of training is amplified to visualize the magnitude (red arrow) of the gain difference between L7/GluA3 KO and WT mice.
(E) L7/GluA3-KO mice (blue line) show equal baseline performance to WT mice (black line), but are unable to reverse the phase of their VOR. Data show four representative eye-velocity traces of the VOR before (left) and after (right) phase-reversal training.
(F) Both learning extent and consolidation during the phase-reversal task are significantly smaller in L7-GluA3 KO mice than those in WT littermates (T2 test, p < 0.05).
(G) Gain-increase learning reveals deficits for L7/GluA3-KO mice compared to WT mice.
Error bars indicate SEM; ∗ indicates p < 0.05.