Table 1.
k-fold cross validation by bioconductor “boot” package using Gaussian dispersion parameters.
Estimate | Std. error | t. value | Pr(>|t|) | |
(Intercept) | 0.038148 | 0.004451 | 8.57 | <2.00E-16*** |
x1 | 0.155175 | 0.005914 | 26.239 | <2.00E-16*** |
x2 | −0.03757 | 0.00669 | −5.617 | <1.96E-08*** |
x3 | 0.159384 | 0.004926 | 32.357 | <2.00E-16*** |
x4 | 0.157941 | 0.005739 | 27.522 | <2.00E-16*** |
x5 | 0.149692 | 0.005343 | 28.015 | <2.00E-16*** |
x6 | 0.124573 | 0.005183 | 24.034 | <2.00E-16*** |
x7 | −0.08823 | 0.002789 | −31.636 | <2.00E-16*** |
x8 | 0.130695 | 0.006101 | 21.422 | <2.00E-16*** |
x9 | 0.428922 | 0.004996 | 85.849 | <2.00E-16*** |
x10 | 0.040628 | 0.004818 | 8.433 | <2.00E-16*** |
x11 | 0.132742 | 0.005614 | 23.645 | <2.00E-16*** |
x12 | −0.01105 | 0.005375 | −2.055 | 0.0399* |
x13 | −0.27454 | 0.005962 | −46.052 | <2.00E-16*** |
x14 | 0.044612 | 0.005961 | 7.484 | 7.29E-14*** |
x15 | −0.11979 | 0.006822 | −17.561 | <2.00E-16*** |
Deviance Residuals: Min (−2.6702), 1Q (−0.1516), Median (−0.0100), 3Q (0.1431), Max (4.9980).
Signif. codes: 0 “***” 0.001 “**” 0.01 “*” 0.05 “.” 0.1 “” 1.
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 2; $K: [1] 10; $delta: [1] 0.08847 = 0.08846.
Null deviance: 171914.5 on 54674 degrees of freedom.
Residual deviance: 4827.2 on 54659 degrees of freedom.