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. 2017 Jan 25;7:41225. doi: 10.1038/srep41225

Figure 4. Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCO) showing the variation among tested environmental variables:

Figure 4

sediment temperature (‘Temp’); organic matter/loss on ignition (‘LOI’); pH; sediment particle size: >1 mm, >500 μm to ≤1 mm, >250 to ≤500 μm, >125 to ≤250 μm, >63 to ≤125 μm, and ≤63 μm (‘G1000’, ‘G500’, ‘G250’, ‘G125’, ‘G0063’, respectively); above, belowground and litter biomass (‘AG_B’, ‘BG_B’, ‘D_B’, respectively); above and belowground C content (‘AG_C’, ‘BG_C’, respectively); above and belowground N content (‘AG_N’, ‘BG_N’, respectively); above and belowground P content (‘AG_P’, ‘BG_P’, respectively) and sediment C, N and P stock in the first cm depth (‘S_C’, ‘S_N’ and ‘S_P’, respectively). Separate ordinations generated for J. maritimus only (A,B), S. maritima only (C,D) and for both species (E,F) are shown.