Fig 5. ABL1-TOR dependent G2/M arrest induces autophagy and appressorium formation.
(A) Cyclohexamide (CHX) and (B) hydroxyurea (HU) treatment induced G1 and S-phase arrest (respectively) but did not induce appressoria formation or autophagy in Δabl1 H1: RFP strains. (C) Benomyl (Ben) treatment led to cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase and induced appressoria formation and autophagy in Δabl1 H1: RFP strains if added before 8 hpi. (D). Rapamycin induced appressoria formation and autophagy in Δabl1 H1: RFP strains if added before 8 hpi. (E) Dual treatment with Ben and the autophagy inhibitor 3-MA indicates autophagy is induced following G2 arrest. Treatment with 3-MA alone impaired mitosis during appressorium formation. (A-E) All panels are merged DIC and fluorescence images. Treatments were added at the indicated times, at 22°C, and viewed at 24 hpi. Scale bars are 10 μm.