FIG 5 .
Growth rate of WT, pho4Δ, and pho4Δ+PHO4 strains in tissues and blood as measured in the mouse model of disseminated infection in Fig. 3. The average number of CFU recovered on different days postinfection (day 3, day 6, and the day on which 20% weight loss had been achieved for WT-strain- and pho4Δ+PHO4 strain-infected mice and days 3, 10, 20, and 36 for pho4Δ mutant-infected mice) were plotted, and the rate of disease progression was determined in the lung, brain, and blood. Growth is indicated by the regression slope, which is an estimate of the growth rate. The pho4Δ growth rate was reduced by 15% to 30% in each organ, and no growth was observed at any time point in blood.