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. 2016 Dec 22;(4):e11054. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.4.e11054

Table 1.

List of all papers published in the series "Report on the Danish Oceanographical expeditions 1908-1910 to the Mediterranean and adjacent seas". For Volume 2, parts B, F and G, no reports were published.

Volume Part Title Author Year
V1 1 Introduction, hydrography, deposits of the sea-bottom Johannes Schmidt 1912
V2 Biology A1 Flat-fishes (Heterosomata) Harry Mcdonald Kyle 1913
V2 Biology A2 Sternoptychidae (Argyropelecus and Sternoptyx) Poul Jespersen 1915
V2 Biology A3 Shore-fishes Louis Fage 1918
V2 Biology A4 Stomiatidae (Stomias) Vilhelm Ege 1918
V2 Biology A5 Argentinidae, Microstomidae, Opisthoproctidae, Mediterranean Odontostomidae Johannes Schmidt 1918
V2 Biology A6 Mediterranean Bramidae and Trichiuridae Johannes Schmidt and A. Strubberg 1918
V2 Biology A7 Mediterranean Scopelidae (Saurus, Aulopus, Chlorophthalmus and Myctophum) Åge Vedel Tåning 1918
V2 Biology A8 Lepadogaster Frédéric Guitel 1920
V2 Biology A9 Engraulidae, Clupeidae Louis Fage 1920
V2 Biology A10 Lophius Åge Vedel Tåning 1923
V2 Biology A11 Scombriformes Ernst Ehrenbaum 1924
V2 Biology A12 Mediterranean Sternoptychidae Poul Jespersen and Åge Vedel Tåning 1926
V2 Biology A13 Sudidae (Paralepis) Vilhelm Ege 1930
V2 Biology A14 Carangidae W. Schnakenbeck 1931
V2 Biology C1 Cephalopoda Eduard Degner 1926
V2 Biology D1 Isopoda, Tanaidacea, Cumacea, Amphipoda (excl. Hyperiidea) Knud Stephensen 1915
V2 Biology D2 Hyperiidea-Amphipoda (pt. 1: Lanceolidae, Scinidae, Vibiliidae, Thaumatopsidae) Knud Stephensen 1918
V2 Biology D3 Decapoda-Macrura excl. Sergestidae (Penaeidae, Pasiphaeidae, Hoplophoridae, Nematocarcinidae, Scyllaridae, Eryonidae, Nephropsidae, appendix) Knud Stephensen 1923
V2 Biology D4 Hyperiidea-Amphipoda (pt. 2: Paraphronimidae, Hyperiidae, Dairellidae, Phronimidae, Anchylomeridae) Knud Stephensen 1924
V2 Biology D5 Hyperiidea-Amphipoda (pt. 3: Lycaeopsidae, Pronoidae, Lycaeidae, Brachyscelidae, Oxycephalidae, Parascelidae, Platyscelidae) Knud Stephensen 1926
V2 Biology D6 Euphausiacea Johan T. Ruud 1936
V2 Biology E1 Pelagic polychaetes of the families, Aphroditidae, Phyllodocidae, Typhloscolecidae and Alcioidae. Elise Wesenberg-Lund 1939
V2 Biology H1 Medusae Paul Lassenius Kramp 1924
V2 Biology H2 Siphonophorae H. B. Bigelow and M Sears 1937
V2 Biology J1 Mediterranean Ceratia Eugen Jörgensen 1920
V2 Biology J2 Mediterranean Dinophysiaceae Eugen Jörgensen 1923
V2 Biology J3 Mediterranean Tintinnidae Eugen Jörgensen 1924
V2 Biology J4 Bacillariales J. Pavillard 1926
V2 Biology K1 Calcareous algae Mme Paul Lemoine 1915
V2 Biology K2 Sea-grasses C. H. Ostenfeld 1918
V2 Biology K3 Algae (excl. calcareous Algae) Henning E. Petersen 1918
V3 Miscellaneous papers 1 Experiments with drift-bottles : first report Johannes Schmidt 1913
V3 Miscellaneous papers 2 The Sargasso Sea, its boundaries and vegetation Øjvind Winge 1923
V3 Miscellaneous papers 3 On the quantity of macroplankton in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Poul Jespersen 1923
V3 Miscellaneous papers 4 Elvers from north and south Europe A.C. Strubberg 1923
V3 Miscellaneous papers 5 Experiments with drift-bottles (second report) Giovanni Platania 1923
V3 Miscellaneous papers 6 Nitrate and phosphate contents of the Mediterranean water H. Thomsen 1931
V3 Miscellaneous papers 7 Some quantitative investigations on the bottom fauna at the west coast of Italy, in the Bay of Algiers, and at the coast of Portugal. Ragnar Spärck 1931