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. 2017 Jan;145:116–135. doi: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2016.11.005

Table 4.

Panel OLS regression results, village-level (dependent variable: percentage points change in teacher absence).

Individual regressions
Multiple regressions
No fixed effects w/ State fixed effects w/ District fixed effects No fixed effects w/ State fixed effects w/ District fixed effects
Changes in teacher variables
Have bachelors degree −0.42 −1.69 −3.69 −1.68 −2.31 −4.71
(2.55) (2.52) (2.91) (2.51) (2.57) (3.04)
Have teacher training 1.10 1.12 0.52 1.08 0.79 1.53
(2.51) (2.76) (3.12) (2.81) (2.85) (3.19)
Are contract teachers −4.89 −3.39 −0.86 −5.26 −3.84 −0.83
(3.20) (3.41) (3.52) (3.37) (3.60) (4.03)
Are paid regularly −0.18 −0.83 −1.47 −0.28 −0.97 −0.56
(1.70) (1.81) (2.11) (1.67) (1.77) (2.24)
Recognition scheme exists −3.87** −3.34* −3.69** −3.06* −2.03 −3.34
(1.76) (1.75) (1.87) (1.71) (1.69) (2.23)
Changes in school variables
Log student-teacher ratio −5.33*** −4.89*** −4.48** −5.56*** −4.95*** −4.69***
(1.83) (1.68) (1.91) (1.81) (1.57) (1.78)
Mid-day meals 1.31 1.81 4.19 1.62 0.95 2.14
(1.73) (2.09) (2.59) (1.73) (2.08) (2.85)
Infrastructure index (0–4) −1.10* −0.97 −1.01 −0.97 −0.68 −0.96
(0.66) (0.69) (0.76) (0.66) (0.66) (0.78)
Remoteness index (normalized) −1.16 −0.93 −0.55 −1.25 −1.04 −0.81
(1.05) (1.06) (1.08) (1.00) (0.95) (1.13)
Changes in monitoring and community variables
Probability of inspection in last 3 months −8.23*** −7.31*** −6.60*** −7.35*** −6.56*** −6.41***
(1.94) (1.98) (1.91) (1.83) (1.83) (2.01)
Probability of PTA meeting in last 3 months −1.65 −3.18* −3.80** -1.71 −2.08 −2.96
(1.74) (1.63) (1.72) (1.67) (1.64) (2.02)
Mean parental education (1–7 scale) −1.29 −0.09 0.48 −1.13 −0.46 0.51
(1.40) (1.38) (1.44) (1.29) (1.32) (1.46)
Log state per-capita GDP −4.69 −6.18
(7.39) (7.18)
Regression statistics
Constant 3.43
R-squared 0.071 0.143 0.346
Adjusted R-squared 0.054 0.115 0.188
F-statistic (Inspected  = PTA met) 4.419** 2.921* 1.268
Number of villages 1,297 1,297 1,297

Source: Authors' calculations. Notes: In summary statistics, standard deviations are in parentheses; in bivariate and multiple regressions, robust standard errors clustered at the district-level are in parentheses. In individual regressions (Columns 1–3), each cell is a separate regression of the row variables with the dependent variable being the change in teacher absence rate in percentage points at the village-level. In multiple regressions (Columns 4–6), each column is a single regression on all row variables. Infrastructure index variable uses availability of four items (drinking water, toilets, electricity, and library) with higher values representing better infrastructure; similarly remoteness index uses distances to nine sets of facilities, with higher values representing more remote villages. Regressions are weighted by SCR's population. *** Significant at 1%, ** significant at 5%, * significant at 10%.