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. 2017 Jan;66:50–61. doi: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2016.11.007

Table 4.

Adoption decision: Cragg’s double hurdle model using correlated random effects estimation.

Technology transfer and seed access exogenous
Technology transfer and seed access endogenous
Probability of planting (Hurdle 1)
Area planted (Hurdle 2)
Probability of planting (Hurdle 1)
Area planted (Hurdle 2)
Access to technology transfer 6.370∗∗∗ 0.051 −0.362 0.436∗∗∗
 (yes = 1) (1.337) (0.032) (1.179) (0.163)
Generalized residual access 0.608 −0.233∗∗
 Technology transfer (0.650) (0.092)
Access to improved 0.663∗∗ 0.003 1.608 0.181
 Seed (yes = 1) (0.265) (0.038) (2.013) (0.194)
Generalized residual access seed 3.026∗∗∗ −0.074
(1.013) (0.111)
Age head (yrs) −0.006 −0.002 −0.020∗∗∗ −0.001
(0.006) (0.001) (0.007) (0.002)
Education head (yrs) 0.002 0.014∗∗ 0.023 0.014∗∗
(0.028) (0.007) (0.029) (0.007)
Male head (yes = 1) 0.208 −0.053 0.507 −0.038
(0.693) (0.096) (0.609) (0.111)
Household size (no.) −0.084 0.026∗∗∗ −0.114 0.043∗∗∗
(0.063) (0.010) (0.066) (0.011)
Dependents (%) 0.000 −0.001 0.002 −0.001
(0.005) (0.001) (0.005) (0.001)
Off-farm income (yes = 1) −0.392∗∗ 0.015 −0.495∗∗∗ 0.002
(0.190) (0.039) (0.174) (0.036)
Ln asset ownership (USD) 0.117 0.088∗∗∗ 0.151∗∗ 0.083∗∗∗
(0.069) (0.016) (0.074) (0.016)
Ln land owned (ha) 0.247 0.263∗∗∗ 0.332 0.257∗∗∗
(0.306) (0.055) (0.280) (0.054)
Ln distance to market (km) −0.420 0.052 −0.243 0.053
(0.368) (0.070) (0.395) (0.070)
Average rainfall (mm) 0.032∗∗ 0.004 0.029∗∗ 0.002
(0.013) (0.003) (0.013) (0.003)
St. dev. of rainfall (mm) 0.057∗∗∗ 0.001 0.051∗∗∗ −0.002
(0.010) (0.003) (0.010) (0.003)
Black soil (yes = 1) −0.137 0.020 −0.633 0.059
(0.353) (0.073) (0.377) (0.074)
Sandy soil (yes = 1) −0.029 −0.000 0.095 −0.006
(0.143) (0.034) (0.146) (0.035)
Mixed soil (yes = 1) 0.151 −0.025 0.261 −0.025
(0.125) (0.035) (0.138) (0.033)
Sigma 0.281∗∗∗ 0.279∗∗∗
(0.012) (0.012)

Observations 1212 1212
Households 606 606
Bootstrapping replications 1000 1000

Note: The first double hurdle regression (column 1 and 2) treats technology transfer and access to seed as exogenous to the decision to adopt. The second double hurdle regression (column 3 and 4) includes first stage residuals to control for potential endogeneity of technology transfer and access to seed. Results from the first stage reduced form regression are presented in Appendix Table A. Fully robust bootstrapped standard errors in parentheses (*p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01). Regressions include the means of time-variant variables, year dummies and village dummies.