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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Biomed Inform. 2016 Aug 26;63:212–225. doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2016.08.019

Table I.

Survey questions and descriptive results

Variable Total Sample (n=184)


AGE (%)

  < 18 4.9
  18–29 7.1
  30–49 33.7
  50–64 37.5
  >= 65 13.6
  Not responded 3.3


  Female 64.7
  Male 30.4
  Not responded 4.9


  Some high school 19.0
  Some college 40.2
  Post graduate 33.2
  Not responded 4.9
  Other 2.7


  Black or African American 15.8
  American Indian or Alask a Native 4.9
  Asian or Asian American 2.2
  Hispanic or Latino 7.1
  Non-Hispanic White 62.0
  Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.5
  Not responded 7.6


  Single 11.1
  A member of an unmarried couple 5.9
  Married 50.3
  Divorced 20.3
  Widowed 7.8
  Not responded 4.6


  A homemaker 6.5
  A student 8.7
  Self-employed 9.2
  Employed for wages 34.8
  Out of work for less than 1 year 2.2
  Out of work for more than 1 year 3.3
  Retired 19.0
  Unabletowork 13.0
  Not responded 3.3


Are you a patient or a caregiver of the health problem you identified above?
  Patient 56.5
  Caregiver 13.0
  Neither 3.8
  Not responded 26.6


Which illness, health, or wellness problems are you most interested in? Please
specify one. (Open ended)
  HIV positive 2.2
  Cancer 8.2
  Diabetes and weight management 17.9
  Heart disease 3.8
  Multiple Sclerosis 1.6
  Parkinson’s disease 7.1
  Fibromyalgia 3.3
  Depression 6.0
  Etc. 17.9
  Not responded 32.1


How long were you or the patient diagnosed with the health problem identified
above?(Open ended)
  Less than a year 9
  Between 1 year to 5 years or less 22
  Between 5 years to 10 years or less 9
  Between 10 years to 20 years or less 11
  More than 20 years 9

  Not responded 40

Please check how much you agree with the following statements. (% of Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D)
Neither agree or disagree (N), Agree (A), Strongly Agree (SA); NR=Non Response (n))

  R_READ_ALL: [I read all messages in online health support groups as much
        as possible.]
SD: 12, D: 16, N:26, A: 18,
SA: 9; NR=18

  R_TRUST_OTHERS: [I trust what people post in the online health support
        groups I goto.]
SD: 8, D: 17, N: 36, A: 17,
SA:2; NR=20

  R_NEED_EVIDENCE: [I need scientific evidence for me to believe what
        people post in online health support groups.]
SD: 11, D: 14, N: 29, A: 20,
SA: 9; NR=17
  R_LOOK_FOR_UNUSUAL_INFO: [I look for unusual information otherwise
        difficult to find elsewhere.]
SD: 10, D: 14, N: 29, A: 21,
SA: 7; NR=19

  R_TARGETED_SEARCH: [I know what information I am looking for, and
        that is what I look for in the online health community.]
SD: 11, D: 16, N:29, A: 19,
SA: 7; NR=18

  R_SELECTIVE_READ: [I selectively read the messages.] SD: 11, D: 13, N: 27, A: 20,
SA: 8; NR=21

  R_LOOK_FOR_NEW_MESSAGES: [I regularly visit the online health
        support groups to look for new messages posted that I
        haven’t read yet.]
SD: 12, D: 15, N: 23, A: 20,
SA: 11; NR=19

  R_OTHER_READ: How do you select which message to read? (Open ended)
      • By_topic[“l look for topics that interest or apply to me personally.”] 24
      • By_title_headline [“using the header to determine if the content is
         relevant to me”]
      • All [“I usually try to read them all.”] 6
      • By_reliable_authors [“I pick the individuals I know are reliable and
         know what their talking about.”]
      • Scan_all [“I pretty much scan them all and if I think I have useful
         input, I input.”]
      • By_time [“I try to read the newest ones first sothat I can be current.”] 3
      • Reliable_source[“lf it appears to originate from an established,
         reliable source”]
      • Catch_eye [“Whatever catches my eye”] 2
      • Unanswered_questions [“I read the unanswered questionsto see if
         there is a topic I could support.”]
      • Length [“The longer detailed messages.”] 1


  a. P_POST_FREQ (%)
      How often do you post messages in online health support groups?
      Never 47
      A few times a year 8
      A few times a month 13
      A few times a week 12
      Everyday 6
      No response 13
      Other (Just started) 1
Please answer how often you post in the online health support group with the
following intentions.
(% of Never (1), Rarely (2) Sometimes (3) Often (4) Very Often (5); NR=Non
  b. P_I_ASK_Q: [I ask questions.] 1: 33,2: 16, 3:23, 4: 10, 5:
2; NR=17
  c. P_I_lNITATE: [I initiate discussions.] 1: 39,2: 10,3:21, 4: 8, 5: 3;
  d. P_I_ANSWER_QS: [I answer others’ questions.] 1: 35,2: 10,3: 17, 4: 15, 5:
4; NR=17
  e. P_I_SHARE_ PERSONAL: [I share my personal experiences] 1: 35,2: 10, 3: 19, 4: 14, 5:
5; NR=17
  f. P_SHARE_OPINION: [I share my opinions] 1: 33,2: 14,3: 18, 4: 14, 5:
5; NR=16
  g. P_SHARE_USEFUL_INFO: [I share useful information] 1: 32,2: 10,3: 18, 4: 17, 5:
4; NR=19
  h. P_SHARE_EMO_SUPPORT: [I share emotional support with other
1: 34,2: 10,3: 17, 4: 14, 5:
8; NR=17
  i. P_WARN_SPAM: [I warn about spams and advertisements.] 1: 43,2: 16, 3: 12, 4:6, 5: 4;
  j. P_MEDIATE: [I mediate members to help conversations stay on track] 1: 47,2: 14, 3: 14, 4: 5, 5: 1;
  k. P_OTHER_INTENTIONS_POSTING: If there are any, please share
      any other intentions you have in posting messages in the online health
      support groups. (Open ended)
        • To_share_useful_info[“l feel the need to share things I learn
           from my own research.”]
        • To_share_emotional_support [“To those who need additional
           inspiration related to belief, confidence, support and prayer.”]
        • To_share_personal_experiences [“It helps to have someone to
           share experiences with. We may have the same disease, but it is
           unique to each of us, but at the same time there are many commonalities.”]
        • To_get_provide_advocacy [“support others in being their own
           advocates for health care.”]
        • To_ask_questions [“To learn and stay abreast of new
        • To_share_opinions [“Something is seriously “broken” in
           Medicare and needs attention and amendment.”]
        • To_share_everydaylife [“You typically post what is going on in
           your life.”]


The reason for visiting the online health support group is: (% of Not true at all
(1), Not True, 1 don’t know, True, Very True (5); NR=Non Response)
  a. V_EXCHANGE_EMO_SUPPORT: [To exchange emotional support] 1: 14,2: 10,3:21, 4:23, 5:
15; NR=18
  b. V_HEAR_OTHERS_EXPERIENCES: [To hear about personal
       experiences from other patients]
1: 7,2: 7, 3: 18,4: 33, 5: 16;
  c. V_GET_N ON MAIN STREAM: [Togain non-mainstream information] 1: 9, 2: 0, 3:24,4: 26, 5: 13;
  d. V_GET_ANSWERS: [To answer [my] questions about the illness] 1: 13,2: 9, 3:20, 4:27, 5:
10; NR=21
  e. V_OTHER_VALUE: If there are other reasons why you participate in
       the online health support group, please explain. (Open ended)
      • Get_share_information [“I want a community that
        shares/understands the surrounding issues”]
      • Make_personal_connections [“I really want more personal
        connections with people on the site”]
      • Get_share_emotional_support [“I feel less isolated”] 6
      • Get_share_experience [“to provide peer support to others based
        on my experience of parkinson’s”]
      • Share_simple_information [“It’s simply information that the
        medical community and health workers (like my doula) prefer
        not to share or don’t really know.”]
      • Get_idea_for_the_general_life[“to get other ideas to improve
        general lifestyle, activities”]