Figure 1. Correlation between Lunar Prodigy and iDXA total body percentage body fat measurements.
Figures 1A shows the correlation between pfat measured with the Lunar Prodigy and iDXA in the first 47 men and women (r2=0.98, P<1.0E-14). Figures 1B shows the predicted n=46 Lunar Prodigy pfat values based on iDXA measurements versus the actual measures for the second cohort (r2=0.98, P<1.0E-14, Lunar Prodigy = −3.417 + 1.099 × iDXA), and Figure 1C shows the correlation of second cohort (n=46) subjects’ percentage pfat measured by lunar DXA and iDXA (r2=0.98, P<1.0E-14; Lunar Prodigy = −2.506 + 1.080 × iDXA).