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. 2016 Nov 18;6(1):3–11. doi: 10.1002/cam4.799

Table 2.

Characteristics of patients with secondary primary malignancies

SPM Gender Age Dx of SPM Time from Dx to SPM (years) Time from last ASCT to start of Len‐dex (months) Duration from start Len to SPM Dx (months) Duration from SPM Dx to death (months) No. of prior ASCT Radiation prior SPM (site) Smoking history Oral cyclo exposure prior SPM (months)
MDS/RAEB‐2 Male 72 5 N/A 19 10 0 Yes (Spine) N/A 13.9
MDS/SCC Female 79 10 N/A 34 1 0 Yes (Spine) N/A 20.2
MDS/PCL Male 56 4 12 23 7 1 No Yes 0
MDS Female 73 8 57 19 13 1 Yes (Spine) No 20.7
MDS Male 63 2 23 2 5 2 No Yes 0
AML Female 66 10 41 57 7 2 Yes (Spine) Yes 0
Adenocarcinoma of rectum Male 65 6 29 31 4 1 Yes (colon) No 0
Cholangiocarcinoma Female 66 5 43 15 2 1 Yes (lumbar spine) Yes 2.4
SCC of Tonsil Female 70 7 43 38 4 1 N/A Yes 12.2
Urethral cancer Female 72 15 58 70 11 (Alive) 2 Yes (extra‐medullary disease) N/A 4.3
SCC of head and neck Male 75 8 N/A 79 1 (Alive) 0 No No 13.2

SPM, secondary primary malignancies; N/A, not available; Dx, diagnosis; PCL, plasma cell leukemia; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma; ASCT, autologous stem cell transplant; RAEB, refractory anemia with excess of blasts.