Figure 5. Dendritic domains of the D1, D2 and D1/D2 MSNs in sham-lesioned mice.
. (a–c) Histograms showing the total dendritic length (a), the number of dendritic branch points (b) and the overall spine density (c) of the D1 (red), the D2 (green) and the D1/D2 (yellow) striatal MSNs in sham-lesioned mice. (d) Sholl analysis of spine density of the 3 types of MSNs, as measured in sham-lesioned mice. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001 for D1 vs. D2 vs. D1/D2 by One-way (a–c) or Two-way (d) ANOVA, followed by Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test.