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. 2017 Jan 26;12:28. doi: 10.1186/s13014-016-0747-y

Table 1.

Table summarizing performance over different substitute CT approaches

Approach category MRI sequence/contrast Number Site Performance metric Note References
main sub 1 sub 2 sub 3 ΔDose [%] MAE [HU] DSC bone Other
Voxel Semi-automatic T1w 20 brain 1 ΔROI [61]
Threshold dUTE 1 phantom 2 0.81 87 Cbone [6264]
dUTE 5-19 brain 0.5 230 0.49-0.65 90 Ctissue [22, 35, 65]
Dixon 2 brain 94/77 SSbone [66]
dUTE Dixon 6-98 brain 0.75 88/88,81 SSbone, Ctissue [6769]
Probabilistic Clustering Fuzzy c-means T2w Dixon 2-5 brain 97-98/75-94 SSbone [70, 71]
T2w T1w 10 brain 98/74 SSair [52]
dUTE Dixon 9 brain 130 [72]
Bayesian Markow RF dUTE 5 brain 1 204-247 0.53-0.59 [22]
Regression Discriminant dUTE T2w 3 phantom 2.3 88 [73]
dUTE T2w 3 brain 1.2 153 [74]
Gaussian dUTE T2w 5-9 brain 0.9-1.5 137-140 0.85 68-94,98 γ11, γ33 [23, 7577]
dUTE 5 brain 1 136-148 0.67-0.72 [22, 48]
Random F dUTE 5 brain 1 128 0.74 [22]
T1w T2w 9 prostate 0.7 75 0.91 99.9 a, γ22 [78]
T1w T2*w 10-15 prostate 0.3-2 135 93 γ11 [21, 79, 80]
PCA T1w 10 torso 5 Δbone [81]
Sinogram T1w 10 brain 0.85 b [82]
Neural network T1w 3 brain 0.78 [83]
dUTE 4 brain 0.83 [84]
Pattern recognition dUTE Dixon 10 brain 76 Cair [85]
Hybrid Neural Network Template dUTE 4 brain 0.77 [86]
Gaussian Spatial info dUTE T2w 9 brain 130 [75]
Random F Spatial info T1w 9-10 brain 0.92-0.98 c [87, 88]
Atlas Pattern recognition Patch
Patch Probabilistic
T1w 5
brain 0.5 85 0.84
Deformable T1w 28 whole body 0.88 DSCbrain [90]
T1w T2w 5-17 brain 1-2.5 97-114 0.63-0.83 1.7 ΔROI [24, 48, 9194]
T2w 37 prostate 1.5 0.79 [25]
T2w 10 cervix 0.3 [95]
Hybrid Deformable Patch T1w 17 brain 101 [96]
T2w 39 Prostate 0.3 40.5 0.91 100 γ22 [97]
Hybrid Deformable Probabilistic T1w 9-27 brain 126 0.86 86/90 SSbone [26, 98]
T2w 10 prostate 0.2 36.5 99.9 γ21 [27]
Regression Random F T2w 20 prostate 0.83 DSCprostate [99]
Threshold dUTE 154 brain 0.81 [100]

Column 1: Overall approach: Voxel, atlas or hybrid. Column 2: Sub categories within each main approach. Column 3: MRI sequences/contrasts applied in the studies. Column 4: Number of subjects included in the studies (patients, volunteers, phantoms). Column 5: Anatomical site investigated. Column 6: Performance metrics. Column 7: Specification of “Other” metric and comments. Column 8: References to included studies. SSx = % specificity @ % sensitivity for tissue x, Cx = % correctly classified voxel for tissue x, Δx = mm distance bt. CT and sCT for tissue x, γxy = % of points with γx %ymm < 1 where x and y are the dosimetric and geometric deviations, respectively, aMAE of whole FOV and DSC based on 2D DRR, b Overlap ratio similar to DSCbone. c Bone > 600 HU. Method abbreviations: Bayesian Bayesian statistics, Markow RF Markow Random Fields, Discriminant Discriminant analysis, Random F Random Forest, PCA Principal Component Analysis, Patch = cluster/collection of MRI voxels, Deformable = deformable registration