Fig. 5.
Downregulating of HERV-K expression by RNAi abolishes the expansion of CD133+ subpopulation. a Phase contrast microscopy image of adherent cells in RPMI-1640 medium (upper panels) and grape-like cellular aggregates in X-VIVO medium (lower panels) from TVM-A12pS-puro (non-interfered) and TVM-A12pS-H-Ki (interfered) cells: magnification 20x. b Cell counts. Relative mRNA expression of HERV-K env gene (c) and CD133 (d) in TVM-A12pS-puro and TVM-A12pS-H-Ki cells upon modification of culture conditions. e Flow cytometry analysis of CD133 expression shows HERV-K RNAi abolished the expansion and maintenance of CD133+ subpopulation in X-VIVO medium. Data represent the results of three independent experiments